Monday, October 17, 2016

Living with Him

  On Sunday, the 16th, the feast of tabernacles began in Israel and throughout the world. It is a week long feast where those born in Israel live in booths made of natural items that are constructed just for the feast. Usually of cloth sides and thatched roofs, the walls are made of local woods. They are primitive, just like the tents in the wilderness.

  Tabernacles was instituted as a remembrance of the fact that God had taken the people out of Egypt and provided for them in the desert while they lived in tents under the stars. He humbled them and in this remembrance brought to mind that He provided everything for them for forty years. It is a time that brings to mind that He lived with them that forty years, as evidenced by the pillar of light at night and the cloud by day.

  Wow. To be able to look out of your tent and see the promise of God in such a way. It is surely a time of reflection. I see it as a promised fulfilled and a promise to be fulfilled. First, Christ came to dwell among us. Many theologians believe that Christ was born on the feast when He came in the form of a babe to Bethlehem. That certainly would fit cold evenings in the fall and the need for shelter for the family. Secondly, that we may tabernacle with Him for eternity. Some evangelical theologians say that He will come at the end of the feast for the second time at the last trump of the feast, which falls, by the way, at sunset on Oct. 23rd this year. That's my wife's birthday. Wouldn't that be a great gift?!

  Wow. Again I say, Wow! To live with Him in eternity is certainly a promise I believe and one that couldn't come soon enough for many. But first, humble yourselves. Give Him praise for providing all you have been blessed with. Repent of your sins. And keep ever vigilant, looking out of your tent. So we wait for the last trump. And it will be "the" last trump when Christ returns, that this time, we might tabernacle with Him for eternity.

  Maranatha! Come Lord Yeshua!

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