Saturday, October 8, 2016

Long Time- no see

     Wow! I didn't realize it had been that long since I had posted here. I have to say that in that time period, I didn't realize the freedom I had here. How is that? Well, when on other social media, the world sees it. Here, I have anonymity of sorts, and I can say anything I wish without being chastised for it. Well, I haven't been in the past anyway, so please don't start now.

     Such is life. We go along doing what we do. We try to do the best we can and then- SMACK! Out of the blue someone comes along and chastises you for doing what you do. And sometimes, you may be doing the same thing as them, and even better, but then, you are told you can't do that anymore. Whoa. Such a change! Such a slap in the face. And none of it is your fault, but you still can't do it anymore. Bummer, in the extreeeeeme.

     Worst part about it, is that you have no recourse. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Period. So, you grieve. You pray for peace and acceptance. You submit. You go on. But it is difficult, because now you feel used and at the same time abandoned. Then, you try to go on, wondering what in the world God has in store for you at such a time in your life.

     But you feel all alone. Kinda like no one gives a rip about ya. No one even asks how you feel about things. And that doesn't make it any easier to go on either. So you withdraw. Which makes it worse. So, you try to buck-up, but that's hard, too. You won't be taken advantage of or used. Ever had enough of that? Personally, I'm too old for more of it.

     Finally, you figure it out and leave it all to God. It's His will- not yours that is important. It's not what we want, it's what He wants. I'm fine with that. So, go on and live the present, forget the past, and have hope for the future. Just like we are supposed to.

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