Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Crying "Wolf"

  My son says I have been crying "wolf" for too long. You've heard of that old Aesop's fable before haven't you? (If not, look it up.) For you see, ever since I studied about the Jewish faith in college and on my own, I've declared that the Messiah would return during the Feast of Trumpets, which is a continuation of and begins the fall feasts, which we are now in and ends with the feast of Tabernacles.

  Some theologians say that the three fall feasts have not been, but will be, fulfilled by Messiah, just as He did the rest of them. In order to do that He'd have to come. Thus, why my son says I've been crying wolf. Each and every year since 1980, I've said the Lord will be here this year. But each year I'm that young lad crying wolf. My son doesn't believe me anymore. My wife, even less. Especially in a time such as we have today.

  My wife may have become a scoffer, always wanting the Lord to come, but not expecting Him to. My son, being respectful of his old dad that is really a young man, goes along with me when I tell him the feasts are here and he should look up for his redemption is nigh. Many others have heard this on youtube and other places so many times that people have been called date setters (I'm not one) and many other ugly names, and so, there are many scoffers out there today. I wonder if they would ever want the Lord to return in their lifetimes? Just so they could be right when they say the Lord isn't coming for another 2K years. But it makes me wonder if this is what the Lord was talking about in his parable about the ten virgins? Has the separation already occurred and five are waiting while five are not? Is it really date setting by being ready? Really ready? He is our blessed hope!

  I've spoken with many friends and family that are ready. Many who pray for the Lord to return quickly. They see the signs. Signs that have  never been fulfilled. Death, persecution, and the abomination that causes desolation. It's all set up. Is this the one? The feast of Tabernacles ends on Sunday at about 4pm our local time. On my wife's birthday, as I said in my last post. At the last trump of the feast. So, I hope I have not cried "wolf" again. I'm ready. How about you?

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