I wondered why a Freemason would curse an object like an eraser. Obviously, it was something this apprentice was extremely familiar with. Something he would like to control. But, because of his stature in the class system of England, something he could not control -unless- he were a Freemason...
We don't know his name, this apprentice. We do know he was enraged that his boss owned them all. That he was just an underling and unable to make the decisions concerning their manufacture. But, he thought, ' I do all the work! Why should he reap the benefits?' Sounds like many an apprentice. In haste, he goes to the dark side of Freemasonry for vengeance and makes a fatal mistake; a mistake that would cause his own death. Within two years of placing the curse and establishing his own business two doors down from Nairne, he mysteriously dies. A victim of his membership in the order created by Weishaupt. He was told to never place curses...
His actions were felt by many- more than he ever envisioned. He had no idea that the erasers would never be used, except perhaps one or possibly two... He had no idea that they would ever cause so much death.
Next: Madison County NY
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