Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Don't antagonize me!"

  It's hard not to follow up the previous blog about Larkin, the protagonist, with anything other than something about the antagonist. I wish it were as simple as saying it is, Joe Blow. But, it's not. I would venture to say that it would be much easier for Larkin and the Palmer family to deal with there being just one person to fight against rather than what they do have to contend with. Are you ready? The antagonist is: Freemasonry and the Illuminati. Plain and simple? Not really. I do know, however, that the antagonist and anyone to do with them is, in the Palmer's estimation, evil.

  I was speaking to a man on the phone from Montana that I have not had the pleasure to meet as yet and he asked me, "Why the Freemasons?" I didn't really know what to say, so, I told him so. As I already had the idea of a cursed Eraser, it had to be cursed by something or someone, so it just worked out this way. Besides, it's a secret society and if no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, then you can just make stuff up! (Even if they maintain they are just a benevolent society of men in funny little aprons.) ;) Consequently, that is what I did, made stuff up. Oh sure, there is some fact about them in it all, but for the most part there is a bunch of fiction intertwined with it. It is up to the reader to figure out what is what.

  Not only that, the whole concept of Freemasonry is hotter than a three dollar pistol right now. As well as the notion of a New World Order that is supposedly coming upon us faster than crap out of a goose. (Please ignore that.) Contending with a group that has it's tentacles into everything is a mind boggling task, and for the Palmers, a task which they easily adapt to- out of necessity. Do or die.

  So there ya go. The antagonist and the protagonist are both revealed.

Next: The New World Order

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